Our Services For Long-Term Care

Understanding the healthcare system can be overwhelming. We can help evaluate your situation and determine what kinds of products could fit into a comprehensive long-term care strategy, one that is suited to your needs and circumstances. Our dedicated team will work together to develop a comprehensive plan to help lessen both the emotional and financial burden long-term care or unforeseen medical expenses can cause. Our goal-oriented planning process will help you to be confident in the decisions you make.

What You Need to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance and Hybrid Policies

Raising children. Caring for aging parents. Building purposeful careers. We dedicate much of our lives to the people and things that mean the most to us. Eventually these responsibilities recede, allowing us more time for ourselves.

Why You Need Long-Term Care

Without prior experience, your family may struggle to navigate the complexities of care planning. Long-term care insurance often includes a care coordinator who assists you, your family, and doctors in navigating the process. In utilizing the care coordinator, there is no requirement to use a particular service or service provider. But, having an experienced and knowledgeable long-term care support professional is a benefit that can be invaluable to your family, who may have never experienced a loved one needing care before.

Preparing for the Unknown

The possibility for stock market fluctuations, real estate valuation changes and the economic cycle, all must be considered in predetermining when, what and how much will be sold if you need care. Additionally, your family may need to anticipate a potentially higher tax bracket since the proceeds generated from asset sale could create additional income. That additional income could also impact Medicare costs for you and your spouse.

  • Who will be empowered to make the decisions regarding the liquidation of assets, if you are unable?
  • Will one child or all of your children together make those decisions and will they agree on them?

Misunderstandings in Care Planning

As a high-net-worth client, it is important not to confuse a checkbook with a plan for care. There are two significant considerations to take into account the financial piece and the emotional considerations. While you may have the resources to pay for care, there must be a plan in place to determine which assets will be liquidated to pay for care and in addition, the order in which to sell those assets. More importantly, that plan must be continually reassessed.

A Short Introduction to Long-Term Care

2024 Long-Term Care Guide

Americans today are living older than in the past: In 1950, life expectancy for Americans was 68 years old, and in 2023 it’s nearly 80. Of course, many people live to be older than that. In fact, the Census Bureau estimates that by 2050, Americans 90 and older will make up 10% of the population. A longer, healthier life is certainly a blessing, but it comes with extra costs that are important to consider when creating a retirement plan.

2024 Long-Term Care Guide